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Friday, 14 February 2014

This Is Why I'm Single

I meant to hold off on yesterday's post so that I could post this today. But I kind of forgot... So hey, special bonus Valentines Day post!

Like many people on the interest, I have spent another Valentines Day alone. Kind of. I was at work, and the atmosphere was actually pretty good. I'm not one of those bitter people that complain about how the day is all about making money. Because sometimes society needs a day to just show their appreciation for other human beings.

Moving on, I think it would be interesting to examine why I have been single my whole life. *Warning* Bragging may ensue

1) I'm not ugly! I hope. I'm average. I'm not going to tear myself down and state everything that I think is ugly about myself. Because honestly, I think I'm pretty average. I'm not severely overweight, but then I'm skinnier than what I would consider beautiful. My hair never really looks good and my skin is never perfectly clear.

2) I'm not one of those girls that spends an hour in the morning doing my hair and putting make up on. I wash my hair in the morning and get dressed, that's pretty much it for five out of seven days of the week. In fact, there's only really one day I ever really wear make up.

3) I play video games. And not even to the point where it's disturbing or off putting. I love Nintendo games, but I'm willing to try more hard core games... as long as someone teaches me. I can be competitive, but I'm actually pretty laid back when it comes to gaming.

4) I love nerdy thing! Depending on the guy, I think that's a turn on... right? I would be more than happy to have a Lord of the Rings marathon. And I hate chick flicks. I would never force a guy to sit through a movie like that.

5) I'm not very romantic, and wouldn't require any guy to be either. I think humour and friendship would have to be the base of any relationship.

6) I like to think I have a good sense of fashion, without resorting to being slutty. I would call my clothing elegant, and sometimes nerdy and lazy.

7) I like rock music. I hate the modern pop that's always on the radio these days, with a few exceptions. But my ipad is full of rock (and a bit of Disney). Seriously, I didn't even know hot to pronounce Adele's name until last year (and I still pronounce it wrong...). That's how little I care about that music.

8) My parents are awesome. I'm pretty sure my dad is more eager for me to get a boyfriend than I am. There would be no worries about me introducing anyone to them. Ask anyone. My parents are just the best.

9) I'm not clingy... I don't think. In fact, I like space. Not to mention I don't really have time for a social life of any sort... I think that's a con actually...

10) I'm entertaining... maybe? I really do hope this is a true fact...

1) I have pretty much no boobs. Yup. Apparently that's important?

2) I'm not a tall blonde, blue eyed wonder. I don't even have long hair. I have greenish eyes, if that helps...

3) I might love my book collection more than anything else in the world...

4) I don't know how to relationship. Which is why I would need something based on friendship rather than romance. I just don't know how.

5) You pretty much need to have a good grasp of the English language, including punctuation and capitalization. Text talk won't fly with me.

So I've come to the conclusion that I'm still single because I'm just too amazing. People are nervous of me or something.
6) I might also have a bit of an ego...

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