As it might have dawned on some of you by now. I really hate the summer. Any good is definitely overshadowed by the bad. Allow me to show you.
1) The heat makes it nearly impossible to sleep at night. Even with the window wide open, the fan on full blast and barely more than a sheet (because no one can sleep without something to partly cover them), it's still too hot. Anyone who has air conditioning is lucky, but for most of us, we just have to bare it.
2) The bugs come back to life. I swear, they're like zombies! I know they're hibernating but during the fall and winter they might as well be dead. The the second the flowers come out, so do the bees and ants and any other kind of bug. Then there always seem to be new bugs, bigger and uglier.
3) Girls have to start shaving their legs a couple times a week. This goes along with the too hot part. Now that we can't hide our legs with pants, and that's too hot, we have to wear dresses, or shorts or skirts. And since none of us want to be flaunting hairy legs, we have to shave them, even if it's just a bit of stubble. And guys, don't start saying that you have to shave every day. A girl has to shave two legs, that's about four times more skin than just your chin.
4) Sunburns! I know a lot of people are able to tan, but almost everyone will burn. I just happen to burn much more easily than I tan. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a tan. I almost had one last year, but i think it was more the lighting in my bathroom...
5) The sweat! On Monday I made a list of the problems of wearing glasses, and I mentioned the sweat under the nose piece. This is one of the most irritating parts of getting sweaty. It's not something you can wear less of to make it less hot, like shorts and tank tops. No, you have to suffer with wiping away the sweat every few minutes.
6) Everyone wants to go to the beach! I hate the beach! It's all sandy and hot and the water is gross and cold and the only guys checking you out are the old men in speedos that look like they have not seen the sun in decades. Not to mention the whole sunburn issue again. No matter how much sunscreen I put on, I always get burnt.
7) People expect me to leave my room... I like my room. At the moment it appears to be the coolest room in the house. I have my books, my laptop, ipad, TV and Wii in my room. The only reason I need to leave it for work and food. But the sun seems to make people want to draw me out of my little den...
1) No school? But now that I'm in college, a lot of my school friends are going to school during the summer, so it's just nice for me. Now my time is just occupied by work.
2) It's finally appropriate to drink slurpees and other cold beverages
3) I have more time to work, which means more money
And then I start struggling to come up with anything nice...
Lucky you! XD I shaved my legs this afternoon and I can already feel it growing back. T_T Actually that's probably from being nearly blind in the shower and not able to tell where I shaved and where I missed...
ReplyDeleteOh wow. XD Yeah, I'm not so blind that I mistake my eyebrow for my leg. XD