Read it Before you Steal it!

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This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Thursday, 29 December 2016

I need a break from life.

Oh my word, it has been a long time. I'm so sorry. If I had some sort of device that lets me transcribe what I think into my computer, that would be great. As it is, whatever I want to talk about normally comes to me when I'm trying to get some sleep..

Anyway, let's talk about why my day has sucked. =D

I've been battling a cold for the past week. I had it during Christmas, and because it's been non-stop activities, I have not had much of a chance to recover. Either I was celebrating Christmas on the weekend, or I've been working. Yesterday I finally had a day to rest, so I spent it with my boyfriend, sitting on his couch playing video games, and later up at a friend's house playing Magic. Nothing too strenuous. But I woke up this morning, and I actually felt worse.

Not because my cold had gotten worse. It was pretty much the same, maybe slightly better because my nose wasn't dripping like a faucet. What made it worse was that my left eye was almost glued closed because of gunk that had formed on it over night. And why was it so gunky? Because my eye was very red. I'm pretty sure I have pink eye, but I can't call in sick to work, because the next few days are very important for my training as manager. So I spent the day wanting to claw my eye out, but not being able to touch it. My hands are dry from the amount of hand sanitizer I've been using, and I found out that apparently the two weeks between Christmas and the first week of January are a holiday, because all the walk in clinics are closed 'for the holidays'. If that's the case, I expect to be paid holiday hours for every day I've worked. I don't know what goes through the minds of the people that make those choices. Do they expect that people won't get hurt just because it's Christmas?Do they think that they're not an essential service? Just about every other place is open regular hours, and most of them are not even important. The only clinic that I even had a chance of getting to was the one inside of Wal-Mart, which said that they were open until 6. Well normally they are, but when I got there, their 'holiday' hours were 9-4. I work 9:45 to 4 today and tomorrow. So good try guys, but you're still useless.

And to top it all off, when I finally got home from work, I tried opening the front door with the only finger I had available after carrying all my bags and holding my keys. But my thumb slipped, and instead I rammed my nail into the door handle and ripped it into the skin. It doesn't even look that bad, but dang, the thumb hold a lot of blood, and a lot of nerves, because that hurt, and now it's throbbing, and I keep finding blood on my hands, even though I have a bandage on my thumb.

Can this whole year just be over yet? I need to start fresh.