Read it Before you Steal it!

Creative Commons Licence
This work by Afyvarra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Friday 4 March 2016


It has been a very busy week. I had to miss two classes this week because of work. On Tuesday we had inventory. I thought we were way over staffed and putting way too much time into inventory. I was wrong. I was definitely wrong. When I did inventory at Starbucks, I did all the counting, and when I became manager, I did the counting of all our ingredients, then the scanning of all our merchandise, then all the computer stuff. And I did this over a couple days, using in total no more than eight hours. At my new job, we were counting stuff over weeks. Just on Tuesday, when we did the main count of everything, it took me nearly half my shift to count two sections, then the rest of my shift to re-count other sections for mistakes. And this was with ten people also counting. There is a lot of stuff... So much stuff.

Anyway, Tuesday was fun. It was a break in routine, and I didn't have to go to class. I was also scheduled for another shift on Thursday, when I normally also have class. Luckily, that class is basically useless, so I was more than happy to work. Apparently in class, everyone had to colour what their writing voice looked like... I didn't miss much.

But the most interesting thing this week was my dream last night. All I can really remember is that I had a kitten, but didn't have a name for it. So my friend in my dream suggested the name soy sauce. It's now official. If I ever have a black cat, it's name is going to be soy sauce.