Stayed single almost the whole year? The whole year, in fact.
Were involved in something you'll never forget? I went to Disneyland, it was pretty unforgettable.
Tripped over a coffee table? Oh probably
Came close to losing your life? Not that I can remember. I'm sure that would have been the unforgettable part...
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? I saw my favourite author...
Did something you regret? Nothing big, maybe a few tiny things that I've already forgotten.
2013: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? I met a few new people at college and work.
Did you hate anyone? I would rather keep them nameless...
Did you lose any friends? I think I've drifted away from some friends...
2013: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake? Of course. And it was ice cream.
Did you get any presents? Quite a few, which I posted in my last post.
Did you get what you wished for last year? A few things, yes, and a few surprises.
2013: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? I'm sure I did. I feel like I've become more responsible.
Did you change your style? Not really. Other than wearing my work uniform for the majority of the week...
Were you in school? Not as much as I had expected. I wasn't too organized in that way...
Did you get good grades? I got a B+ in my last class, and some pretty decent grades in my spring classes from earlier this year.
Did you drive? Yes, and I'm getting better. I started on a hill yesterday... After having my L for nearly two years...
Did you own a car? I don't think I'll own a car for a long time.
Did anyone close to you give birth? My co-worker did, and her baby is adorable!
Did you go on any vacations? Disneyland!
Would you change anything about yourself now? I would like myself to be a little more organized...
Did you dye your hair? Surprisingly, no. I normally dye it at least once a year.
2013: Wrap UP:
Was 2013 a good year? I think it was actually better than average
Do you think 2014 will top 2013? It's possible.
Best thing that happened in 2013? I got a job at Starbucks, and before I've been there for even a year, I'm being offered the assistant manager spot.
Kissed in the snow? Nope
in the parking lot? at the beach ? in secret ? Nope nope nope.
Had your heart broken? Nope
Painted a picture? Nope
Wrote a poem? Quite a few, actually, and not all for class. I'm rather proud of myself.
Ran a mile? Hell no.
Visited a foreign country? Does America count?
Cut in a line of waiting people? I really hope not...
Told someone you were busy when you weren't? Possibly...
Cooked a disastrous meal? I wouldn't be surprised.
Lied about how old you were? The closest would be people assuming I'm older than I am.
Cried yourself to sleep? Hmm, I don't think so.
IN 2013 I….
Broke a promise? I certainly hope not
Lied? Maybe a few white lies...
Disappointed someone close? Again, I hope not.
Hid a secret? My Co-worker's girlfriend bought him concert tickets for Christmas and asked me to give him the day off work, but keep it secret. That's the only one I can think of.
Pretended to be happy? Maybe a few times when I've been very stressed at work.
Slept under the stars? That sounds cold...
Met someone who changed your life? Not that I can think of.
Changed your outlook on life? Hmm, maybe a bit, can't say what it's been changed to.
Sat home all day doing nothing? ...Okay, yeah.
Lost something expensive? One of my rings is on the verge of breaking, but it's not lost...
Learned something new about yourself? I'm capable of taking on challenges and responsibilities
Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? There are a few alcoholic drink that are pretty good.
Made a change in your life? I got a new job that pays well and gives me a lot of hours, and I got accepted into two universities.
Found out who your true friends were? I've always known.
Met great people? At college and work.
Stayed up til sunrise? I've been awake before sunrise...
Cried over the silliest thing? Not really, at least nothing I can think of.
Had friends who were drifting away from you? It's sad to say, but yes.
Spent most of your money on food? That pretty much sums up my whole year...
Gotten sick? Not as much as usual.
Liked more than 5 people at the same time? Like as a crush or like as a friend? Nay to the former and Yay to the latter.
Became closer with a lot of people? I like to think so.